Hemorrhoids are swollen vessels in the lower part of the rectum and anus that can cause discomfort and bleeding. When worsened by straining during bowel movements, pregnancy, chronic diarrhea or constipation, they can cause rectal bleeding, anal swelling, and pain. Digital rectal exam and anoscopy are two common tests used to diagnose hemorrhoids. Treatment options for hemorrhoids include medication, dietary modification, office based procedures, and surgery. Medication options include acetaminophen, psyllium, and methylcellulose. Surgery options include rubber band ligation, hemorrhoid stapling, and hemorrhoidectomy. Hemorrhoid creams, although prescribed extensively, do not necessarily treat hemorrhoids.
Hemorrhoid Symptoms
Hemorrhoid symptoms vary but can often be similar to more serious conditions such as cancer. That is why you should consult your Colorectal Specialist when you experience any of these symptoms.
- Blood in the stool
- Anal pain or discomfort.
- Protrusion or swelling from anal canal.
- Abnormal anal drainage.
- Irritation and itching.
- Thrombosis.
PPH Hemorrhoidopexy
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