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4 Reasons Why to Choose a ColoRectal Surgeon / Proctologist Over a Gastroenterologist to Treat Hemorrhoids?

Gastroenterologist OR Proctologist/ Colorectal Surgeon

Hemorrhoids are swollen vessels in the lower part of the rectum and anus that can cause discomfort and bleeding.  When worsened by straining during bowel movements, pregnancy, chronic diarrhea or constipation, they can cause rectal bleeding, anal swelling, and pain.

So, when my hemorrhoids flare-up who should I see: A Gastroenterologist or a Proctologist/ Colon and Rectal Surgeon ?

Although there is considerable overlap in the conditions that Gastroenterologists and Colon and Rectal Surgeon treat, there are significant differences. Knowing the difference between two types of doctors can be confusing for some —especially if it appears the doctors do the same procedures.

So here are the main differences:

  1. Gastroenterologists are doctors that specialize in the treatment of the gastrointestinal system. Gastroenterologists are trained in general internal medicine with an emphasis in gastroenterology, or the study of the normal functions, diseases, and conditions of the following organs:
  • Esophagus and Stomach
  • Small intestine
  • Liver and Bile ducts
  • Gallbladder
  • Pancreas
  • Colon and rectum

Colorectal specialists are trained in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases and conditions of the colon, rectum, and anus. They can differentiate between and treat various conditions such as:

  • Anal, Rectal, or Colon cancer
  • Anal fissures
  • Anal fistulae
  • Crohn’s Disease complications
  • Ulcerative Colitis
  • C diff colitis

2. Gastroenterologists attend three years of internal medicine residency and three years of gastroenterology fellowship for a total of 6 years after completing Medical School. Colon and Rectal Surgeons attend five years of General Surgery training followed by one to two years of Fellowship training for a total of 6-7 years after Medical School.

3. Gastroenterologists can diagnose hemorrhoids, provide medications, and advise lifestyle modifications. Proctologists or Colon and Rectal surgeons go a step further and in addition can provide colonoscopy, office based procedures such as hemorrhoid banding, and surgery such as hemorrhoidectomy, Hemorrhoid stapling or hemorrhoidopexy, and THD (Transanal hemorrhoidal De-arterialization) .

4. Hemorrhoids often cause painless rectal bleeding, which is also a sign of colon or rectal cancer. A Gastroenterologist can confirm a diagnosis of hemorrhoids and rule out other causes of your symptoms. A Colon and Rectal surgeon can also differentiate between the various causes of rectal bleeding and offer treatment for hemorrhoids and for conditions other than hemorrhoids such as anal fissures, anorectal fistulae, anal and colorectal cancer, etc.

In summary, Gastroenterologists can provide non-surgical treatments and advise lifestyle modifications, while Colon and Rectal Surgeons / Proctologists can also provide office based and surgical treatments. Since they receive specialized training, Proctologists / Colon and Rectal surgeons are better equipped than Gastroenterologists at treating hemorrhoids , reducing the risk of treatment, and recognizing and treating any complications that may arise from the treatment itself.

Our Promise

In a competitive marketplace, patients like you need a knowledgeable and trusted advisor who has demonstrated experience in managing hemorrhoidal disease and other diseases that exhibit hemorrhoid-like symptoms. You want an advisor who understands anal anatomy , technology solutions, up-to-date management strategies, and associated risks and benefits.

Our Colon and Rectal Surgeons / Proctologists possess the expertise and the character to serve as your advocate when it comes to managing your hemorrhoid-related symptoms They can:

  • Listen carefully and intently to your history and description of your symptoms.
  • Ask you appropriate questions in attempt to narrow down potential causes.
  • Perform an appropriate examination in a discrete, compassionate, and professional manner.
  • Present you with a diagnosis and treatment options in simple to understand terms.
  • Answer all your questions to your satisfaction as they help you decide on the appropriate treatment.
  • Provide you with the treatment you agreed upon.


PPH Hemorrhoidopexy

MediCenter is leading provider of Specialist Lung Health Assessments in Europe.

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